Balkerne Hill Footbridge Replacement Scheme


Completed Schemes


Balkerne Hill Footbridge Replacement Scheme

Update - 30 March 2017:

We can confirm the Balkerne Hill on slip road near St Mary's car park has been reopened.

Essex County Council is developing a series of improvements as part of the Local Growth Fund (LGF) aimed at redeveloping and transforming Colchester’s local highways, footways and cycleways in order to manage the expected increase in movements generated by housing and business growth.

Balkerne Hill Bridge provides a pedestrian link from St Mary’s car park and the west to Balkerne Gate and Colchester town centre.

Work began January 2017 to replace the footbridge with a widened bridge desk to safely accommodate both cyclists and pedestrians as a shared footway/cycleway facility.  

Work will also include alterations to the adjacent footways and the installation of new cycle route directional signs.