
Here you will find the information you need to apply for a Blue Badge, vehicle crossing/dropped kerb or a street party. If you are a contractor, you will find information on applying for a licence for skips, scaffolding and more.

Highway and related applications

A Blue Badge allows some disabled people to park closer to their destination, as they are less able to walk long distances or take public transport
This is a parking space on a public road which is marked by a white line around a wheelchair sign, or around the word ‘disabled’
If you live in England and are of retirement age or an eligible disabled person, you are entitled to an English National Concessionary Bus Pass.
A vehicle crossing, or dropped kerb, is when a kerb is lowered and the footpath strengthened, to let vehicles move between roads and properties
A licence is required for placing anything on, in or over the public highway. Nothing should be placed on, in or over the public highway without an agreement from Essex County Council.
Information on organising a local street event and how to apply
If you are planning an event in Essex that may restrict the use of the highway, (other than a local street event, which are managed by your local council), you will need approval from us
Essex County Council are happy for applications for Special Events to be held within Essex and will be here to support and assist you to make your event successful, happy and safe for both event organisers and all other highway users
If you wish to relocate a street light, perhaps as part of a vehicle crossing application you will need to apply
Individuals, groups and business can apply to hang seasonal decorations; banners or hanging baskets on or over the public highway
You must be a licenced skip or scaffolding contractor, with proof of public liability insurance to £10 million to apply for a skip or scaffold licence
A Section 50 Street Works Licence application is required when a person or organisation wishes to place new apparatus under publicly maintained highway, which includes verge, footway and carriageway
To be able to place temporary traffic signals on the highway you are required to apply for a licence from the local highway authority
A private company wishing to work or open the public highway for any reason, must have a road opening notice in place from Essex Highways
Development Management sits outside the Essex Permit Scheme and therefore road space needs to be booked using the Development Management Road Opening Notice Form
Application to undertake trial holes within the public highway as part of a development management scheme
Apply to place temporary signage on the highway in relation to a new development
A Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) is made by us when it is necessary to temporarily stop or limit vehicular and/or pedestrian traffic along the highway
A Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) will be required if a Public Right of Way needs to be closed due to planned works
Confirmation of highway adoption and highway boundary plans and nearby road scheme proposals
Landowner Deposits made under section 15A(1) of the Commons Act 2006 and section 31(6) of the Highways Act 1980
Permanent changes to Public Rights of Way may be made using a Public Path Order made under the Highways Act or The Town and Country Planning Act
Local councils can apply to install Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) or Speed Indicator Devices (SID)
Request an application form for a brown tourism sign
Find out more about the Essex Permit Scheme for streetworks