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Completion of surfacing works on the southern footway of Colne Bank Avenue, Colchester and removal of the site compound on Friday 9 June 2017, has enabled all four lanes to fully open to traffic last weekend, relieving pressure on one of Colchester’s pinch-points and easing congestion on the A133. Only minor, off-carriageway works remain.
We would like to extend our thanks to local residents for their patience during the works, which should bring much needed benefits for both Colchester residents and local businesses.
The Colne Bank Avenue widening is the part of a number of highway improvement projects proposed in this area of Colchester over the coming years to improve sustainable transport links from the north of Colchester to the town centre and reduce traffic congestion along the A133 Corridor. The project forms part of the £24.9m Local Growth Fund improvements for Colchester. This section of carriageway is a particular pinch-point for traffic travelling on an east-west movement along the A133. This scheme will ultimately tie in to the introduction of left turn slip lanes at Colne Bank roundabout and the proposed widening of Cowdray Avenue and Westway - these later components are developer funded projects linked to the building of new homes to the north of Colchester Town Centre.
Reduction of pinch point pressure will be achieved through the carriageway being widened to two lanes each way between Colne Bank roundabout and the Albert roundabout. Further deliverables include:
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