
Cambridge Road junction temporary closure

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Following the completion of work, a technical legal issue has arisen regarding the transfer of land. Unfortunately this has meant that a temporary closure has had to be put in place.  We are working to reopen the junction as soon as possible, and in the meantime vehicles accessing Templefields can continue to do so via Edinburgh Way.

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Cambridge Road, Harlow, access improvements

About the scheme

This project has seen the creation of a new junction connecting River Way, a local distributor industrial estate road, to the A1184 Cambridge Road.

The project provides new access to the Templefields Enterprise Zone, helping reduce the level of congestion travelling on Edinburgh Way, and enabling a link to the future new communities.

It will also help support business and economic growth, creating more certainty with journey times and helping haulage vehicles reach the strategic network quicker and more efficiently.

Image showing the new Cambridge Road junction with River Way following its completion.
Cambridge Road junction with River Way
Image showing the new Cambridge Road junction with River Way following its completion.
Cambridge Road junction with River Way
Image showing the new Cambridge Road junction with River Way following its completion.
Cambridge Road junction with River Way