Ealing Bridge, Sheering Road, Harlow

View of Ealing Bridge from Pincey Brook
About the scheme
Ealing Bridge is located on the B183 Sheering Road in Harlow and carries the carriageway over Pincey Brook.
The bridge was assessed in 2022 and found to be not suitable to carry full highway loading. Currently, the bridge is under a regular inspection regime to monitor the defects.
Following a recent inspection and assessment, a width restriction of 3.5 metres and a weight restriction of 7.5 tonnes will be implemented as a safety measure while investigations take place to improve the capacity of the structure to the current national standard.
Traffic will be managed by temporary two-way traffic lights.
Width restriction
Plans are in place to introduce a width restriction of 3.5 metres on Sheering Road at Ealing Bridge in Harlow during February 2024.
Two-way traffic will be reduced to one lane to prevent loading on previously extended elements of the bridge which are structurally weak. The traffic flow will be managed with two-way traffic signals, which will be installed along with physical barriers.
This work is scheduled to take place overnight with the support of temporary road closures between the hours of 9pm and 5am from Monday 5 February 2024 for approximately three nights.
Diagram of cross section of Ealing Bridge
Weight restriction
In addition to the width restriction a 7.5 tonne weight restriction is also necessary. This has been recommended due to the limited loading capacity of the bridge arch.
We appreciate that these further restrictions are likely to be unwelcomed and we are taking the time to fully explore options that may exist to limit this impact. Please be assured that safety remains our top priority.
Appropriate warning signage will be installed at strategic locations in the surrounding area, so that drivers have sufficient advance notice of restrictions in place. Signage installation works will be carried out during off peak daytime hours from 31 January 2024 with temporary 'Give and Take' restrictions in place where appropriate to safely separate the workforce from the travelling public.
How the works will affect you
During installation of the width and weight restriction, overnight road closures will be required as outlined above.
Following implementation of the width and weight restriction, the B183 will be reduced to one lane at Ealing Bridge, with traffic flows maintained by two-way traffic lights. These restrictions will need to remain in place as they are designed to keep the public safe and minimise further deterioration of the structure until longer term improvements are determined.
Please take additional care driving through the area, observe the traffic measures in place and allow extra travelling time.
Further information
We aim to keep residents and businesses updated via this webpage and site signage as information becomes available.
For details about other roadworks in the area please visit: one.network or the @essexhighways twitter feed.