Welcome to the Highways Service Information Centre
I started as a Community Rail Officer in May 2020, the same time as the country had gone into lockdown. Prior to this I was a community engagement officer for High Speed 2 based around Euston Station and Camden, keeping the local community informed of the project and the works that were planned.
As a transport planner by trade, I know the theory of why sustainable travel is so important to help maintain the existing road network and make a positive impact on climate change.
Having then moved out of the town I became aware of how easy it is to become car dependant. My family and I now make conscious choices to use public transport for some of our days out, we do park and stride once a week on the school run, and I try to use the park and ride when I come into the office.
The role of community rail officer gives me the opportunity to engage with local people, have conversations about sustainable travel and encourage them to try the train for days out and explore their local area.
The variety of things I do and the incredible people I meet who volunteer their time to look after their local stations to make them feel welcoming.
It must be my mum. She brought me up to have the confidence to be a strong independent woman.
I have 2 Guinea pigs.
Heights!!! My legs and tummy go all funny.
Clarity of thought! With the brain fog that comes with being a woman of a certain age, I am in desperate need of some clarity!
I’m currently trying to improve my Asian culinary skills, some of favourites that I have regularly are pad thai, sushi, and ramen noodle soups.
A Mortgage Processor. I’m not a details person and lose focus if I have to do the same thing over and over. I was permanently being told off for talking.
Arranging a Christmas train is my next challenge. Keep an eye on the events page of our website for more information. As a team, we are starting to think about next year and the things that will go into our action plan.
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