Welcome to the Highways Service Information Centre
We carry out regular inspections of roads and pavements on our network, but we know that issues may come up between these inspections. These could be potholes or other road surface issues, damaged street lights, overgrown trees or missing lit bollards.
You can tell us about maintenance issues online by using our highways reporting tool.
If you think there’s a risk to public safety, you can now report some urgent issues online (if you are able to provide photos). Please follow the guidance below, which will tell you if you can report the issue online (with photos) or whether you need to call us on 0345 603 7631.
You need to contact:
You can use track it to check if we already know about an issue or track the progress of an issue you’ve told us about.
Please search for the type of issue you want to report, or use the categories below. If you need help please see the 'How to use Tell us and Track it' guide
Issues with the surface of the road or pavement, potholes, kerbing issues, faded lines or the surface around a manhole cover.
Issues with street lights, traffic lights or signs.
Issues with flooding, drainage and manhole or drainage covers
Issues with overgrown or overhanging vegetation such as trees, grass verges or bushes.
Issues with roadworks, traffic, utility works, debris, obstructions or parking.
Issues on the footpath, byway and bridleway network
Issues with bridges, subways, culverts, retaining walls and gantries
Issues with bus stops, barriers, walls, unlit bollards, benches, or street cleaning.
Use the multifunctional search box (within the map) to enter an address, postcode or area. You can also use a what3words address, by selecting that option in the multifunctional search box. An option to 'Use current location' will appear when you select the search box and can be used if you're at or near the location. You can also zoom in to the map.
Select the map menu (within the map) to open the legend to find out what the coloured pins mean.
Once you have located the area you wish to report, select the location on the map (you need to select the location on the map even if you have used what3words or 'Use current location' to find the location), use 'Report an issue here' to continue to report your issue.
You can change the location by selecting somewhere else on the map. If you need help please see the 'How to use Tell us and Track it' guide. Please try to be as accurate as possible with the location on the map.
Some Private Roads have a Public Right of Way over them, if you are trying to report an issue and the area shows as a Private Road, please check if you can report a 'Public Right of Way issue'.
Our map is not accessible to keyboard users or screen readers, for an accessible option please use the following link - Can't see or use the map?
If there is an enquiry waiting an inspection at the area you wish to report an issue, you don't need to report the issue again. You can register for alerts about that issue, this saves our inspectors having to deal with multiple enquiries at the same location. Multiple enquiries of the same issue will not improve the speed at which it is inspected or repaired.
Please note: multiple reports of the same issue will not change the status or speed of the investigation.
By using this form to report an issue, you are agreeing to our privacy policy. Please don’t send other people’s images or personal information without their permission.
This symbol * means you need to provide information.
Please enter your contact details if you would like to receive updates about this issue.
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