Melanie Happi Timbou, Sustainable Travel Planning Officer Intern

Melanie Happi Timbou's profile picture

Questions and answers

I started early June 2024, so I’ve only been in the team for a few weeks! I’m just about to graduate, so I was a student before this - but I did have a part time job at a cinema throughout my degree.

I think living consciously and sustainably is the future and will come to involve every facet of our lives. Methods like walking or cycling are severely underrated and are important steps everyday people can take to fight climate change and protect our environment. Therefore, working in sustainable travel was the obvious choice for me, as it allows me to actively contribute to these vital changes and promote healthier, more eco-friendly modes of transportation to communities, and jump start the behavioural shifts that will come to be our future!

I haven’t been here for long! But what I do love is that you can see how the work we are doing is positively impacting communities, like Bikeability (cycle training for children) or the STEN network – although on a small scale it is making a positive impact - not every job can say the same.

I am working on supporting members of the Smarter Travel for Essex Network (STEN) to achieve accreditation and promoting other travel schemes and initiatives. Also, I am collaborating with district and city councils, stakeholders, and partner organisations to develop sustainable travel information and promote behavioural changes in the way people travel.

All the powerful, cool female protagonists in the books that I’ve read. Each of them has helped shape me through their stories, whether that’s overcoming hardships or being brave and standing up for what you believe in or daring to dream - so they have all influenced me in one way or another.

I was a beekeeper for a while! It was cool, and the bees can be gentle, and they are very intelligent. The buzzing was a little off-putting though!

Falling from a big height or drowning

Lin Manuel Miranda - he has written the music and story for so many musicals and movies that I absolutely adore, so I would love to chat to him!

Controlling an element - like fire or water or air.

I love a Massaman curry or the cultural dishes my mum makes.

I was a temp for a burger chain restaurant for a couple of days - it was very hectic and stressful, especially during the rush - be kind to your servers, they are trying their best!

In the immediate future, I’m excited to attend the outreach events to promote active travel in schools, and I’m looking forward to getting stuck into working on the STEN project!

I also have my graduation ceremony in a few weeks’ time so really looking forward to that.