Welcome to the Highways Service Information Centre
Temporary closures or diversions may be necessary for public safety or while works take place on or near to public rights of way. To close a path to the public a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) is required. This Order will be advertised in a local newspaper and on Notices placed on the route and allows landowners, developers or the County Council to legally close the route to the public for the duration of the works.
Please use the map below to check the exact location of any of the Public Rights of Way affected by an Order. To find out more about a specific order, please select a location by clicking on the route. To open the map legend, click on the >> within the map area.
If you need to apply for a temporary traffic regulation order or would like to know more infomation please see our Temporary Traffic Regulation Order page.
The map below is accurate to the last update.
Long Term TROs on Byways - PDF(26.7KB)
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