Welcome to the Highways Service Information Centre
789 jobs completed since April 2024
848 jobs completed in 2023/24
932 jobs completed in 2022/23 804 jobs completed in 2021/22
We have dedicated specialist teams that work on our PROW network who are skilled in working in the countryside. Their work is produced by our PROW Officers team who answer your enquiries and survey the network. The work is risk assessed and then managed through a programme which, after safety, is driven by the seasons. Much of our work is remote and only accessible across the fields and so is closely linked to ground conditions, farming practices and environmental factors such as species protection.
Volunteer work parties, Parish Councils and farmers also play a vital role in the upkeep of our paths.
Most of the works we do are small jobs like replacing or repairing items such as fingerposts at the side of the road, small bridges across ditches, waymark posts to mark junctions with other paths and steps to help manage gradients. We tend to do work to bridges during the autumn and late spring when the ground is dry enough for us to get across fields with our materials and equipment and when we don’t interfere too much with farming. Work closer to the road and that are not directly a hazard to users, like replacing fingerposts, will often be done over the winter months.
In addition to this we have over 80 landowners, 17 Parish Councils and Chelmsford City Council also undertaking cutting on your Public Rights of Way
Please see our Vegetation Cutting page where you can find out more about the ways we cut and when, and also where you can view the paths that we cut. Our Winter cutting programme 2023/24 is now completed.
Alongside the smaller jobs, we will also do large improvement schemes for paths that need more attention and bigger investment. Generally the work will be long sections of surface improvements. They are prioritised via a scoring matrix that considers disability access, rate of deterioration, current condition and volume and type of usage.
These are the schemes we are working on this year:
Find out about the works that your Local Highway Panels fund and how you can apply
Contact us to discuss your proposals - ELAF@essexhighways.org
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