Temporarily suspend a bus stop

Road closure

If a bus stop suspension is required as part of a full road closure, please see the guidance online on how to proceed.


A party wishing to temporarily suspend a bus stop, for any amount of time, is required to follow the below procedure:

  • Provide our Integrated Passenger Transport Unit (publictransport@essex.gov.uk) with the following information;
    • Dates & Times of the proposed suspension
    • Duration of suspension
    • Location of temporary bus stop(s)*
  • Should publicity be required, notices will be provided by our Integrated Passenger Transport Unit for you to post at the bus stop(s) at least 5 working days before the suspension begins.
  • Before commencing works on site, the party carrying out the bus stop suspension(s) must;
    • Ensure that the publicity notices are in place (if required)
    • Set up a temporary bus stop in a safe location (which can be as simple as an A board with the wording “Temporary Bus Stop”)
    • Cover the permanent bus stop sign
  • On the completion of work, the temporary bus stop sign must be removed, along with any publicity about the works, and the permanent sign uncovered or reinstated.

Bus stop locations and operator information is publicly available online and below.