Alan Lindsay, Transport Planning and Infrastructure Manager

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Questions and answers

I joined ECC in 2007, initially thinking for maybe a couple of years! I have had a number of posts, taking up my current role in 2014. Prior to that I worked for Fife Council, North of the border. I also had jobs in a gents outfitters, a confectionary company, and a country park before getting a ‘proper’ job!

At university I did Civil and Transportation Engineering and the more my course progressed the more I realised I preferred the transportation side of things so that is why I chose to go down this route. Having worked in this field for over 20 years now I can safely say that that I am glad of the choice I made and have enjoyed delivering many schemes and initiatives that have helped make a difference to how people travel and the impact that has on our surroundings and the environment. I also get enough of the engineering aspect along the way also to keep me happy.

For me it is being able to see projects through from inception to delivery, sometimes with major projects this can be over quite a timeframe, 7 – 10 years is commonplace and even then they can be in the planning stage for much longer. I also enjoy working with people along the way, whether they be interested parties, interest groups, project partners or elected Members – the satisfaction of bringing people together is very rewarding, a lot of work goes in before the ribbon cutting stage!

The range of what I get involved in is one of the plus sides of this job in my opinion, and the variety that occurs over the working week makes for a varied and interesting workload. The current workload includes reviews of strategies and policies, delivery plans, scheme inception, inputting a transportation view to partners on their development plans and developing the pipeline of future schemes.

I am not sure that I can pin that down to one person. Throughout my life I have been fortunate enough to have been given great guidance from my parents and my family. I have also worked with some brilliant individuals who have had faith and trust in me along the way but whilst giving guidance, knowledge and help when required. In my working career I have learned from managers and also those whom I manage. In my personal life I have met and know some great people who also have helped shape me into who I am today.

The fact that I was thrown out a nightclub in America for having no rhythm (direct quote)?! Or perhaps that I can’t whistle, am a terrible swimmer or have developed a bit of an obsession with doing my family tree.

I would hate to look back and regret not having done something, whether that be because I was afraid or because I made the wrong choices. I really believe that things happen for a reason and what is meant for you will not pass you by.

The hardest question! No limit on numbers so I would invite family, friends, Sir David Attenborough, Barack Obama, Princess Diana, Lance Armstrong, Ayrton Senna, my Grandad that I never met, Sharleen Spiteri, Chris Hoy, Jacinda Ardern.

An interesting one! If I had to pick I think it would like to be invisible/ to be a fly on the wall to see what goes on in some interesting situations/ locations, thinking top secret briefings, inspirational seminars or talks etc – to be there and see what goes on would be interesting, especially if they didn’t know I was there.

A tricky question! I am a big foodie and would find it hard to pick and narrow it down. Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Chinese all ranking high up there but I am happy to try anything. My wife and children would be shaking their heads as I answer this one as they laugh about me always wanting to try something different when we go out or when I am in the kitchen.

I can’t say that any job I have ever had has been that awful, each has taught me things that have stood me in good stead for future challenges and opportunities. Whether that be dealing with the public, understanding how a small business runs compared to a large organisation or just experience in developing projects and taking them through to implementation.

Professionally then some exciting projects that we are delivering just now that are either on site or about to deliver these include the continued roll out of some of our cycling infrastructure, a recent example being the new provision in Colchester city centre, delivering our Rapid Transit System in Harlow and Colchester. We also have a new station being constructed at present at Beaulieu Park in Chelmsford helping unlock development as well as the A1331 Link Road between the A120 and the A133 that helps deliver future development for a number of years to come. Personally then looking forward to a family trip to the Olympics in Paris in the summer as well as upcoming hockey coaching commitments.