Behnaz Gohari, Active Travel & School Engagement Officer (Intern)

First published September 2024

Behnaz Gohari's profile picture

Questions and answers

I began my current role in July 2024. Before this, I worked in Iran, focusing on Architecture and Urban Design.

I stumbled into sustainable travel by chance, but it's always been a field that interested me. As an architect and a town planner, sustainability was a key element in many of the projects I was involved with. It felt like a natural progression to continue working in a field that aligns with my passion for sustainability.

The best part of my job is having the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on people’s lives by promoting healthier and more sustainable ways of living. The fact that I can contribute to real change within communities is incredibly rewarding.

Currently, I’m working with schools across Essex to encourage active travel among pupils and staff. In addition, we’re participating in public events to promote a public consultation, where residents can share their ideas for the future of local cycling and walking infrastructure.

The person who has influenced me the most is my father. His work ethic, wisdom, and ability to navigate life’s challenges have shaped my outlook on both my career and personal life. He’s taught me the value of perseverance and kindness.

I think people would be surprised to know that despite working in technical fields, I have a deep appreciation for the arts, especially Persian poetry. It’s something that has always grounded me and provided balance in my life.

My greatest fear is losing the people I love. Their presence is what gives my life its true meaning.

I would invite Cyrus the Great, one of the most prominent Kings in Iran and the world. His legacy as the author of the first declaration of human rights, the Cyrus Cylinder, makes him someone I deeply admire, and I’d love to learn from his wisdom and philosophy on leadership!

I’d love to have the ability to experience life through different people’s eyes. The idea of being able to step into someone else’s shoes, live their life, and see how they think fascinates me. It would be the ultimate tool for empathy and understanding.

I can’t resist Persian cuisine! The rich, authentic flavours are a deep part of my culture. Kebabs, in particular, are my favourite, especially when cooked traditionally.

I wouldn’t say I’ve had a worst job. There have been challenging moments, but every experience has taught me something valuable. Each role, no matter how difficult, has contributed to my growth both personally and professionally.

I’m learning to live in the present, which isn’t always easy. I’m working on letting go of past concerns and not overthinking the future. Whatever comes next, I’m ready to embrace it, trusting that life will lead me in the right direction.