Harlow Walking and Cycling

In May 2023, as part of its Safer, Greener, Healthier initiative, Essex County Council (ECC) announced it had secured more than £5 million of funding from the Government’s Active Travel Fund 4 (ATF4) for walking and cycling schemes in Basildon, Chelmsford, Colchester and Harlow. These include a series of Healthy School Streets, as well as various Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan schemes.

It is the aim of Essex County Council (ECC) to develop a network of walking and cycling links to support future growth in the area and give people alterative options to car use, particularly for short journeys.

To support these improvement works, we are using Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans, as set out in the Government’s Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy. These are long-term plans which look at cycling and walking improvements required in the local area, aiming to increase the number of trips made on foot or by cycle, reduce car usage and improve air quality.

Our ambition is to deliver new cycling and walking routes in the east/west of Harlow and the town centre where significant regeneration and future developments are planned

For any questions about the route please contact the project team at activetravel@essexhighways.org.