Welcome to the Highways Service Information Centre
England is under national lockdown: stay at home restrictions. Please avoid travelling unless your journey is essential.
Essex Highways continues to carry out carry out key highway repairs, keeping our network safe and serviceable for essential use. We are also still delivering our roads improvement building programme. We continue to follow existing social distancing measures to maintain public and workforce safety.
We are conducting winter gritting when necessary. You can check the roads we grit, and track our gritting vehicles, on our Winter Gritting pages. You can also get a daily update whether we will be gritting in the next 24 hours or not, plus other highways related information by following Essex Highways on twitter.
Please continue to report road defects online and please try to avoid phoning us unless you spot an urgent road safety situation.
For updates relating to current traffic conditions in Essex, follow our Essex Traffic Control Centre on twitter. For other Essex County Council service updates please visit www.essex.gov.uk or follow Essex County Council on social media.
Thank you for your continuing co-operation.
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