Radwinter Road, Saffron Walden - junction and pedestrian improvements

Works location and photo

View of Radwinter Road prior to the works

About the works

As part the planning permission granted by Uttlesford District Council for development of the former Printpack site on Radwinter Road (reference number: UTT/20/2007/FUL), the developer is required to carry out road safety and highway improvement works as follows:

  • Widen the access to the site on the southern side of Radwinter Road
  • Improve footways to the site frontage for the benefit of pedestrians (including those using push chairs, wheelchairs and mobility scooters)
  • Construct a retaining wall at the back of the footway to protect the existing trees/hedge
  • Install a new uncontrolled pedestrian crossing point to assist pedestrians crossing Radwinter Road
  • Install a new eastbound bus stop to encourage use of public transport
  • Upgrade the existing traffic signals at the junction with Elizabeth Way to improve traffic flow and aid pedestrians crossing all junction routes.

Lidl are responsible for these works with Highway Assurance employed on their behalf to carry out construction activities.

Much of the works will be carried out at the signalised junction of Radwinter Road with Elizabeth Way, and on Radwinter Road for an approximate distance of 200m west of that junction.

How it may affect you

Plans are in place to start works on Monday 24 March 2025 and are due to be complete before the end of May 2025.

To minimise inconvenience, work will be carried out in phases to limit the amount of time work takes place in front of individual properties. Traffic restrictions will also be changed to reflect the activities being carried out.

When work takes place overnight, the contractor will endeavour to carry out the noisiest activities prior to 11pm, with less noisy works continuing for the remainder of the shift. 

Provisional dates (may be subject to change)

Works and proposed traffic management

24 March to 17 April 2025

Temporary traffic signals will be operational 24 hours a day on the Radwinter Road/Elizabeth Way junction.

This will support works to upgrade the traffic signals and footway improvements.

22 April to 9 May 2025

Introduction of a temporary one-way road closure on Radwinter Road (affecting traffic travelling westbound only).

During this time traffic will be permitted to flow in an eastbound direction (out of Saffron Walden), with diversions in place for traffic travelling westbound (towards Saffron Walden).

Traffic flows at the Radwinter Road/Elizabeth Way junction will also be managed by temporary traffic lights.

During this time, work will be carried out to install a new bus stop on Radwinter Road, undertake footway improvements and carriageway widening as well as retaining wall works near the Lidl site entrance.
19 May to 21 May 2025

Introduction of a full closure of Radwinter Road for approximately two nights for carriageway resurfacing.

Restrictions will be removed during the daytime to allow usual traffic flows to resume.

Efforts will be made to minimise disruption as much as reasonably practical, and to keep traffic flowing, however drivers are advised to exercise caution and allow extra travelling time, particularly during peak periods, as some delays will be unavoidable.

On street restrictions will be necessary (outlined below) while road improvements take place. Pedestrian access will be maintained throughout. 

Please note that some aspects of the work are dependent on suitable weather conditions, so dates may be subject to change at short notice.

Parking restrictions and driveway access

Please be aware that a Temporary Traffic Order will restrict parking throughout the area for the duration of the road works.  This is required for safety and to ensure that traffic flow is not obstructed by parked vehicles, restricts pedestrian movements or reduces sightlines.

Access to all properties and businesses, including the care home, will be maintained at all times. During periods when Radwinter Road is closed to support resurfacing activities, access to properties will be supported by the site team.  Please be aware that some delays may occur depending on activities being carried out and whether the materials have set.

Pedestrian access will be maintained throughout, including the provision of a temporary signal controlled crossing point on Radwinter Road.

Passenger transport

Bus operators have been informed of the work programme so that adjustments can be made to their services.

During temporary road closures on Radwinter Road, bus operators will be required to alter their service. Passengers are advised to check details directly with the operator.

Contact details

If you have any questions or comments about the work as follows:

Developer:  Lidl Great Britain Ltd, Waterworth Road, Great Haddon Gateway, Peterborough PE7 3AG

Developer’s contractor: Highway Assurance - Daniel Lewanski, tel: 07899 760677, email: daniel.lewanski@highwayassurance.co.uk

Further information

The developer/contractor is responsible for providing the necessary notifications to affected local residents, businesses and interested parties in advance of the works, including the on-site signage.

This webpage will continue to be updated as new information becomes available as the scheme progresses.

For the latest information you can also visit One.Network