Highway maintenance

In this section you can find information about road maintenance, street lighting, winter travel, bridges as well as who is responsible for your road. 

You can also Report a Highway Problem to us online.

We are not responsible for the following roads

You can see which roads we are responsible for on our Highways Information Map here, by clicking on the Asset data layer, then Highway and Footway Network.

In this section you will find the following pages

The A130 from Howe Green Interchange (A12 near Chelmsford) to Rayleigh Spur Roundabout (A1245) is currently maintained by CountyRoute for Essex County Council.
The purpose of formal crossings is to provide non-motorised users with a passage across the carriageway. In the majority of cases, most users are able to cross the road without the provision of a formal crossing, however when traffic flows and the number of users wishing to cross increases, a formal crossing may be more suitable.
Information on how we look after trees, grass and vegetation.
We are responsible for maintaining roads and pavements on our network. This includes 5,000 miles of road, nearly 4000 miles of Public Rights of Way, more than 1,500 structures and over 128,000 street light columns.  We carry out regular inspections of roads, pavements and Public Rights of Way network, but we know that issues may come up between these inspections.
Information about Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), such as traffic signal, information signs and traffic monitoring cameras.
Find out about how we are using DfT funding to improve the highway network in Essex
Information about how to make a claim against Essex County Council regarding a highways issue.
Find out about potholes, how they are formed and how Essex prioritise their repair.
Essex County Council has a number of strategies setting out how it will look after and manage the highway network.
A Section 58 restriction is a restriction that prevents utility companies digging up the road for a predetermined period once substantial roadworks have been carried out by the highway authority.
Find out more about Public Rights of Way (PRoW) maintenance.
Find out who is responsible for your road and download the list of streets