30 August 2024 Advance Notice

St Botolph's ground investigation and survey works

A series of ground investigation/survey works will start in the area on the 2nd September to help the project team further evolve plans for the regeneration of St Botolph’s Circus roundabout.

The works are expected to take around three weeks and will be undertaken mainly during the daytime between 8am and 5pm, however some nightworks will be required. These will take place between 10pm and 6am.

Taking place both on the roundabout itself and within the underpasses, no road closures are required. There may, however, be some lane closures as part of the nightworks. At points it will be necessary to close the underpasses, and pedestrian diversion routes will be put in place to direct people to the nearby crossing points.

Throughout these works the team will keep disruption to a minimum.

If you have any questions on these works, please contact the project team at stbotolphs@essexhighways.org