Dry Street/A176 Nethermayne, Basildon

Works location and photos
View of Nether Mayne
View of Dry Street junction
About the works
Improvements took place in 2017 for the A176 Nethermayne/Dry Street junction located in Dunton, Basildon. The scheme is part of a section 106 planning condition granted by Basildon Borough Council (Planning Application 12/01080/OUT), for the Redrow Homes Development located on land north of Dry Street.
Works included:
- A signalised junction at Dry Street with Nethermayne
- The dualling of Nethermayne from Dry Street to the hospital roundabout
- The widening and reconstruction of Dry Street including the provision of a footway on the northern side
- Street lighting will replaced and upgraded
This improvement scheme is designed to increase the capacity of the A176 at the junction by adding vehicle capacity, improving the flow of traffic. It is also designed to provide safer access to Dry Street from/to Nethermayne.
Remedial and repair works are planned to take place from Monday 31 July 2023 for approximately four weeks. The works will involve the relaying of the road surface on Nether Mayne in vicinity of the traffic lights, relaying sections of footpath on Nether Mayne and Dry Street and adjusting the levels of some of the utility covers on Dry Street.
How it will affect you
The majority of the works will be carried out between the hours of 7am-7pm Monday to Friday with lane restrictions in place managed by multi-way temporary traffic lights. Traffic marshals will be present on site to ensure queuing at the Basildon Hospital Roundabout and also the Five Bells roundabout are kept to a minimum. We are currently discussing the potential of night works and weekend works with the contractor to minimise disruption and ensure that the duration of works is kept to a minimum.
For safety a temporary 40MPH speed limit will be in effect 24 hours a day on a section of Nether Mayne for the duration of the works.
Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times and for safety temporary controlled crossings will be installed.
Overnight closures for Machine Surfacing
In addition to the remedial works, Essex Highways are carrying out Machine Surfacing on Dry Street between One Tree Hill and High Road. A number of overnight road closures will be required, and these have provisionally been booked to take place between the dates indicated below:
- Monday 7 August to Tuesday 15 August 2023 (8pm to 5am)
Please be assured the road will reopen after each shift.
The contractor and Essex Highways are working closely together to ensure any disruption is kept to a minimum.
Advance warning notices will be used to advertise the works and appropriate diversions in place during temporary road closures.
Further information
Please note that the programme may be subject to change if affected by poor weather or if unexpected issues arise.
We aim to keep residents and businesses updated via this webpage and site signage. Information will also be shared with local parish councils.
For details about other roadworks in the area please visit: one.network or the @essexhighways twitter feed.