Safer, Greener, Healthier Brentwood

The active travel vision for Brentwood included improved walking and cycling connections on a key route between Brentwood High Street and Shenfield. A mixture of new infrastructure, the introduction of 20mph areas and the creation of new school streets have all been completed.

  • Healthy School Streets on Sawyers Hall Lane: temporary street art, "20s Plenty" signage and pencil bollards
  • Healthy School Streets on Middleton Hall Lane
  • 20mph speed limit reductions introduced on Crescent Drive / Middleton Road / Worrin Road / York Road / Priests Lane / Friars Avenue / Woodway / Abbots Close / Bishop Walk / Cliveden Close / Coombe Rise / Friars Close / Glanthams Close / Glanthams Road / Glendale Close / Gordon Road / Longmead Close / Mulberry Hill / Parkway / St. Andrews Place / Worrin Close
  • Installation of cycle parking on Shenfield Road

Completed works in Brentwood

1. Sawyer Hall Lane 2. Middleton Hall Lane 3. Shenfield Road
1. Improving 20mph signage and lines 2. Permanent footway widening 3. Installation of new pencil bollards
1. Thermoplastic road sign 'Children going to school' 2. Refresh existing line 3. Temporary street art 4. New '20's Plenty' and 'School Street' signage
1. Installation of 7x new cycle loops along Shenfield Road (in the vicininty of The Hermitage)

Please see the story mapper in the section below which sets out the original scheme details consulted on between May and July 2021.

Consultation Story Mapper

Brentwood Story Mapper - Link