Safer, Greener, Healthier Chelmsford

As part of our vision to encourage Chelmsford residents to choose cycling, walking, scooting or using public transport rather than use their cars, especially for shorter journeys, we have implemented the following measures:

  • Trinity Road Healthy School Street - we have removed existing bollards and replaced them with pencil-shaped ones; installed temporary street art to alert drivers to slow down and installed "20s Plenty' and "Children Crossing" signage.
  • Springfield Park Road / Springfield Park Lane junction alterations - we have installed on-carriageway cycle markings; refreshed all street lining and the existing roundels as well as improved the Springfield Park Road and Springfield Park Lane junction and raised table.
  • Navigation Road - we have refreshed all street lining and existing roundels; removed the existing centre line; and replaced signage on the Navigation Road and Hill Road junction.
  • Chelmer Road and Sandford Road - we have pruned existing vegetation and upgraded the existing crossing to a Toucan crossing.
  • Waterloo Lane - the raised table and on-carriageway cycle markings along Waterloo Lane as well as the segregated cycleway along the Riverside cycle path has been completed. Cycle markings have been refreshed.

Completed active travel works in Chelmsford


Proposed cycling route: city centre to Beaulieu Park

In 2023 we carried out a number of early engagement activities to ask residents for their feedback on a proposed route from the city centre to Beaulieu Park.

Read the feedback from local residents.