About the schemes
We are working to redesign and improve the interchange areas at Harlow Town and Harlow Mill Railway Stations in order create transport hubs accessible by a range of sustainable transport modes.
Improvements to create new Harlow transport hubs would create welcoming gateways to the Town of Harlow, provide high quality waiting areas and a better variety of travel options for visitors and residents. These upgrades will improve connectivity and make the space around the stations safer and more inviting.
Additionally, these improvements help support an anticipated increase in passenger traffic due to the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town development and the aim to have 60% of journeys from and to the Garden Town made by sustainable transport options like public transport, cycling or walking.
Harlow Town
At Harlow Town station there is currently a poor sense of arrival, inadequate customer facilities and a lack of connectivity for people walking and cycling to and from the bus interchange and railway station.
We have developed a design option that includes that of a new bus stop layout, relocation of the existing taxi bay, new drop off bays on Station Approach and zebra crossings across the forecourt. A new cycle route is also proposed from the Burnt Mill Roundabout, as well as a new one-way route for buses behind the multi-story car park to Edinburgh Gate.
Harlow Town Station forecourt concept design
Harlow Mill
While the railways station building and forecourt at Harlow Mill have recently been improved, there is still poor connectivity to the station for people walking, cycling or travelling by bus.
We have developed a design that includes various potential improvements which would impact on the area around the station. This option includes proposed new bus stops and drop off bays/taxi spaces in the vicinity of the station, as well as improved walking and cycling facilities on Station Approach and a signalised crossing over the A1184 Cambridge Road.
Harlow Mill concept design
Next Steps
Minor engagement with the Harlow and Gilston Town groups has been undertaken with a presentation in February 2023 illustrating the vision for improvement.
Essex County Councillors and Harlow District councillors were briefed on the proposals prior to Christmas 2024.
We will be engaging with key local stakeholders and businesses in the immediate vicinity of the railway stations along with active travel groups, accessibility groups and rail users in 2025.
For more information on the schemes contact us via email at Engagementhub@essexhighways.org