Welcome to the Highways Service Information Centre
Preparations are being made to renew the pedestrian crossing signals located on Great Oaks, Basildon (opposite the Magistrates Courthouse).
Works are due to start on Monday 20 September 2021 and expected to take approximately six weeks to complete.
We will be replacing the traffic signals at the junction before they become unreliable and fail to work properly and will be installing new extra low voltage equipment. The pedestrian facilities will also be upgraded from a pelican to puffin crossing.
Activities will include the replacing or renewing underground cable ducts under the carriageway and pavements as well as replacing equipment above ground.
To minimise congestion in the area, work will be carried out overnight between the hours of 7pm to 5am, Monday to Saturday.
During working hours it will be necessary to have lane closures in place in order to carry out the work in a safe manner. Traffic management will remain in place during the day to assist pedestrians crossing the road, but both lanes will be open to vehicles to keep traffic flowing.
Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times and for safety, we propose to install a temporary controlled pedestrian crossings across Great Oaks whilst the works are undertaken.
Advance warning notices will be used to advertise the works.
Please note arrangements can sometimes be subject to change at short notice due to unsuitable weather conditions or if unexpected issues arise. The latest information will be reflected on site signage and this webpage.
For details about other roadworks in the area please visit: one.network or follow @essexhighways on twitter.
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