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The two new communities of Beaulieu Park and Channels, and future growth planned for northeast Chelmsford as set out by Chelmsford City Council in their Local Plan (the plan showing where future development will be located), will bring over 6000 new houses to the area by 2036.
The demand for a crossing on Essex Regiment Way to improve connectivity to Broomfield and beyond was therefore set to significantly increase during this time.
The completed works were part of the £15 million Chelmsford City Growth Package of improvements designed to alleviate pressure on Chelmsford’s road network.
The scheme was located near the existing bridleway and aimed to improve connectivity between the Broomfield and Beaulieu Park areas. Due to the nature of Essex Regiment Way, provision of a safe crossing facility was needed to avoid further separation of the two communities and encourage people to use more sustainable forms of transport within the city.
The scheme consisted of a pegasus crossing connecting the cycle and bridleway networks either side of Essex Regiment Way. This type of crossing allows pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders to stop the traffic and to cross over the road.
The crossing improves connectivity for non-motorised users between Beaulieu Park and Broomfield communities. It also makes non-motorised user journeys safer in the area, which may encourage new users who previously may have been put off from using different modes of transport because of the lack of a safe place to cross.
This scheme was delivered as part of the Chelmsford City Growth Package. For information about the other schemes as part of this package, please visit Chelmsford City Growth Package.
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