About the scheme
Preventative maintenance is planned for Widford Old Bridge (southbound only) which carries the A414 London Road over the River Wid.
This will involve removing the current road surface, applying a new waterproof membrane to the entire bridge deck and reinstating the surface. These works are essential for the long-term durability of the bridge.
Arrangements are in place to carry out works between 23 August and 6 September, including a limited number of overnight road closures to minimise disruption to the travelling public. Lane and speed reductions (to 40mph) will be required on the southbound carriageway at other times to protect the working area and safety of the travelling public.
No restrictions will be applied to northbound traffic as part of these works however drivers are advised to observe all traffic management in place and to allow extra travelling time for journeys.
The works
Maintenance is being phased to minimise disruption to the travelling public as much as reasonably practical.
Advance warning notices will be put on site, with an appropriate diversions will be in place during advertised overnight road closures.
Emergency services and bus operators have been informed of the works to allow them to put alternative arrangements in place when the road is fully closed as no vehicle access will be possible on the southbound carriageway. Please contact the bus operator directly for their service/schedule information, alternatively contact the Essex Passenger Transport Team on 0345 603 2200.
Properties located adjacent to Widford Old Bridge (southbound carriageway), will be contacted separately and advised of alternative access arrangements that will be put in place during road closures.
Please note that the current programme may be subject to change at short notice if works are affected by unsuitable weather conditions or if unexpected issues arise.
What is involved and how it may affect you
Initially overnight closures will be required to allow the southbound carriageway to be planed and waterproof membrane applied. A temporary surface will allow the road to reopen during the daytime. Works will then continue overnight to apply a hard wearing course to the road and install white lining and road studs.
During the second phase of the works, remaining waterproofing works along the kerb/verge will be carried out between the hours of 9.30am and 9pm. Please note that traffic management, including lane reductions will be required 24 hours a day to protect the workforce and the construction area.
Phase 1:
Friday 23 August 2019 (8pm to 9am):
Full overnight road closure A414 London Road (towards A12).
Saturday 24 August 2019 (9am to 8pm):
Carriageway reduced to one lane on A414 London Road (towards A12) under 40mph speed limit due to temporary road surface.
Saturday 24 August (Night time - 8pm to 9.30am):
Full overnight road closure A414 London Road (towards A12), reopening Sunday 25 August at 9.30am.
Phase 2:
From Sunday 25 August to 6 September:
Carriageway reduced to one lane A414 London Road under a 40mph speed restriction. These restrictions will apply 24 hours a day, 7 days a week while works take place to remove the nearside kerb line/verge for bridge waterproofing and replace.
Properties located adjacent to Widford Old Bridge, will be contacted separately and advised of alternative access arrangements during overnight road closures.
Further information
Details may be subject to change if affected by poor weather or if unexpected issues arise.
The latest information will be reflected on site signage, with updates posted on this webpage and the @essexhighways twitter feed.
For details about other roadworks in the area please visit: www.roadworks.org