Colchester High Street Pavement Improvements

Works location and photos
Pavement in Colchester High Street
Close up of a pavement in Colchester High Street
About the scheme
Improvements to the pavements in Colchester High Street are planned this summer, funded by Essex County Council and Colchester Borough Council.
The works are anticipated to take approximately 12 weeks to complete, with works taking place overnight to repair and improve the paving by replacing some slabs and re-grouting and sealing all pavement slabs.
Essex Highways is managing the work while Colchester Council is leading on liaising with local residents and businesses about the work. This follows the recent completion of ultrafast broadband works in the area.
What is involved and how this may it affect you
These improvements are planned to begin on Monday 20 July and are anticipated to take approximately 12 weeks to complete, subject to suitable weather conditions and no unexpected issues arising.
To minimise inconvenience in the area, repairs will be carried out at night between the hours of 7pm and 6am, Sunday to Thursday to avoid any issues for late-night businesses who trade Friday and Saturday nights. The work will be carried out in phases moving along the street.
We aim to complete the noisiest operations before 11.30pm, with less noisy activities continuing for the remainder of the shift. Work will progress in sections along the road, so activity in any one area will typically be for a few nights before moving onto a new section. Contractors will use hydrogen-powered equipment where possible, reducing local air and noise pollution. Sound-suppressant barriers will be used to reduce noise inside adjacent premises.
During the works protective barriers will be in place to separate the work area from the public, however these measures will be lifted following each shift to limit obstructions on the pavements.
Throughout the works pedestrian routes will be maintained however short detours around the working area may be required.
Work will involve replacing any unusable slabs with new colour-coordinated slabs to match the existing where possible, repairing any damaged areas with grouting and sealing to prevent damage in future.
Officers from Colchester Borough Council will be talking to residents and business owners directly affected to ensure that there is little or no inconvenience or loss of access to premises for customers.
Further information
Residents and businesses directly affected by these works are being contacted directly.
Updates, traffic management and access information will be reflected on local signage and this webpage as information becomes available.
You may also wish to follow @essexhighways or view for information about other works in the area.
Please be aware that the work programme may be subject to change if for example if affected by poor weather, if other unexpected issues arise including Government advice associated with Covid-19.
Thank you for your patience while we carry out these improvements.