East Bridge, East Street, Colchester

Works location and photos
View of East Bridge
View of carriageway
About the scheme
Arrangements are being made to carry out maintenance works at East Bridge located on East Street, Colchester. Works include waterproofing the bridge deck and re-surfacing the carriageway along East Street.
What is involved and how it may affect you
A road closure will be required on East Street from Brook Street to Ipswich Road in order to carry out the main works in a safe manner. Pedestrian access over the bridge will be maintained at all times. Closures are scheduled for the following dates:
- Friday 15 October to Monday 18 October 2021
- Friday 22 October to Monday 25 October 2021 (contingency date)
The works will require a road closure 24 hours a day from 7pm Friday until 5am Monday on the advertised dates. Advanced warning notices will be in place prior to any works commencing and appropriate diversion routes will be implemented during road closures.
Passenger transport
Bus operators have been provided notice of the works so they can make adjustments to their services. During the road closure the following services will be diverted:
Service 1a, 102, 103, 104
From High street travel down Queen Street along Magdalen/Barrack Street and over Hythe crossing, turn left to the end of Greenstead Road and reconnect with the normal route. Same route in reverse.
Service 2a
From High street travel down Queen Street, Along Magdalen/Barrack Street, over Hythe crossing, turn left to the end of Greenstead road, left at the Harwich Road roundabout and left at the Ipswich Road roundabout to reconnect with the normal route.
Service 62, 62a 62b
From High street travel down Queen Street, Along Magdalen/Barrack Street, over Hythe crossing, turn left and reconnect with the normal route.
Notices will be displayed on all bus stops on the route with details of the diversion route.
If you have any queries regarding the passenger transport arrangements please either contact the operator directly, or the Essex Passenger Transport Team on 0345 603 7631. You can also follow the passenger transport twitter account: @Essex_pt
Further information
Please note that the programme may be subject to change if affected by poor weather or if unexpected issues arise.
We aim to keep residents and businesses updated via this webpage and site signage. Information will also be shared with local parish councils.
For details about other roadworks in the area please visit: one.network or the @essexhighways twitter feed.