Lexden Road Improvement Scheme
Works completed June 2018
Works to upgrade Lexden Road, a key route into Colchester have been completed.
Engineers carried out improvements to numerous locations along the route, designed to support traffic flow in the area, reduce journey times and build in resilience for future growth.
Public realm improvements were also made as part of the scheme as illustrated belowRescheduled dates are now available to undertake surfacing works as follows:
About the scheme:
Lexden Road is a key corridor allowing access to Colchester town centre from the west and currently suffers from congestion at peak times. Improvements to this link aim to manage traffic flow, reduce journey times and build in resilience for future growth.
Public information events were held on 13 June and 3 August 2016 to invite members of the public to comment on initial proposals to manage congestion on Lexden Road, Colchester. Plans have now been reviewed and preparations made for works to begin Spring 2017.
Proposals include:
- Keep clear road marking installation by Aldi on London Road. Amendments to road markings at the London Road/Straight Road junction to improve the flow of eastbound vehicles (plan to be available in due course).
- Introduction of a 'no waiting' zone in the vicinity of the Lexden Crown Public House and relocation of existing eastbound bus stop to allow two-way traffic movements to be consistently maintained.
- Improvements to the Norman Way junction with Lexden Road by upgrading existing zebra crossing to a signalised crossing.
- New bus waiting areas on the south side of Lexden Road between Norman Way and Maldon Road Roundabout to assist with school and regular bus services.
- Change the existing zebra crossing at St Mary’s School to a signalised crossing.
- Line marking improvements to install right turn lanes at the Avenue and West Lodge Road junctions.
- Public realm improvements to the area between Southway and Crouch Street west (East End Works).
Plans to improve the corridor can be found in the Document Section below.
When will the work take place?
In order to minimise disruption on the road network and to take advantage of the school holidays, work started on the first element of the scheme on 3 April 2017 near St Mary's School (sheet 4 on the location plan).
Works will then continue on Lexden Road, with the final element of the scheme concluding with improvements to the approach to the Maldon Road roundabout (East End Works and Public Realm).
The East End works and Public Realm improvements are targeted for completion Winter 2017/2018.
Programmed dates may be subject to change, for example if the works are completed earlier than planned or delayed due to unsuitable weather conditions or unforeseen issues.
How will this affect you?
Throughout the Lexden Road improvements, appropriate traffic management will be used to manage two way traffic flow with the use of stop and go boards/traffic signals as appropriate. Delays may be experienced at certain times during phases of the work however we aim to minimise this as much as possible.
Pedestrian diversions will be in place during working hours.
Work will generally be undertaken during off peak times during the day (for example between the hours of 9.30am and 3.30pm) as we recognise this is a traffic sensitive site, however there may be occasions during phases of the works when different working hours and temporary lane restrictions will be necessary.
Where lane closures are necessary to facilitate certain elements of the work (for example carriageway resurfacing) information will be published in advance on site signage and on this webpage.
Every effort will be made to maintain resident and business access during the works, however there may be delays depending on the works being undertaken at the time.
Frequently asked questions
You may have some questions about the scheme. Please read through these questions and answers found in the document section below before contacting Essex County Council as your question may already be answered.
Further information
We aim to keep residents informed of progress on the scheme by providing updates on traffic management and by providing updates about the work programme on this web page as the scheme progresses.