A134 Balkerne Hill, Colchester - traffic signal renewal
Works Location

About the scheme
Arrangements have been made to replace the traffic signal equipment that provides a crossing point for pedestrians on Balkerne Hill, near Crouch Street, Maldon Road Roundabout in Colchester.
The purpose of the renewal is to ensure traffic signals remain reliable and better serve the needs of pedestrians including those with disabilities by replacing the Pelican crossing with a Puffin crossing.
These works are part of a county-wide investment to renew traffic lights as they come to the end of their expected life, before they become unreliable and fail to work properly due to deterioration over time.
The works
The renewal of the lights will involve replacing traffic signal heads/lights, metal poles, cables and ducting in the carriageway and footway. Traffic signal software will also be upgraded.
Extra low voltage equipment and lower-energy LED signals will be installed, gaining the benefit from lower energy consumption.
Work will generally be carried out overnight with the onsite team aiming to complete the noisiest works by 11pm, with other activities continuing for the remainder of the shift.
Some overnight road closures will be required during the works.
Throughout the period of the works the current pedestrian crossing will be closed, with pedestrians diverted to the nearby subway/underpass
What is involved and how it may affect you
Work is due to start on Monday 9 September 2019 and is anticipated to take approximately 5 weeks to complete.
Throughout the period of works the current pedestrian crossing will be closed, with pedestrians diverted to the nearby subway/underpass.
As this is a traffic sensitive area, the work has been planned to take place overnight between the hours of 7pm and 5am, Monday to Friday, when both traffic and pedestrian volumes are low.
A limited number of full overnight road closures will be necessary on the northbound and southbound carriageway of Balkerne Hill to allow ducting to be installed across the road.
Appropriate traffic management will be in place during the works and formal diversions will be in place during overnight road closures however drivers may choose to use other local routes as appropriate.
The following dates have been identified as provisional dates for the road closures. Any changes to these arrangements will be reflected on site signage and updated to the website:
Balkerne Hill (west side) – closed to northbound traffic:
Two nights, 12 and 13 September time of closure is 7pm-5am
Access by road for residents of St Marys Fields estate will be via a holding area between the road closure point just beyond Crouch Street entrance and the works area at the current pedestrian crossing.
Some delays may be experienced while vehicles join the convey holding area and wait for the site team to complete a particular task before vehicles are permitted past the works. Due to a limited working area, for the safety of the workforce activities will temporarily stop while vehicles pass through the open lane.
St Mary’s multi-storey car park:
Access into St Mary’s multi-storey car park will be temporarily affected when northbound road closures on Balkerne Hill are in operation.
No access will be possible into the car park from 7pm, however exits from the car park will be unaffected.
At other times during the works access to the multi-storey car park will be unaffected.
Balkerne Hill (east side) – closed to southbound traffic:
Two nights, 24 and 25 September time of closure is 7pm-5am
Please note an additional road closure will be needed later on in the programme on a date to be advised.
Properties affected by the southbound closure of Balkerne Hill are being contacted separately. Residents requiring access will be held in a waiting area before being allowed to proceed through the works by the contractor. Vehicles will be requested to keep speed to a minimum as access will be granted through an area where people will be working in the carriageway.
Further information
Dates may be subject to change if affected by poor weather or if unexpected issues arise.
We aim to keep residents and businesses updated via this webpage and site signage. Information will also be shared with local parish councils.
For details about other roadworks in the area please visit: www.roadworks.org or the @essexhighways twitter feed.