Stone Bridge, A1124 Halstead Road, Earls Colne

Works location and photo

Side view of Stone Bridge

About the scheme

Stone Bridge was originally constructed in 1926 and carries the A1124 Halstead Road over Bourne Brook.  This provides a key route for vehicles travelling between Halstead and Earls Colne.

An Option Study conducted in 2019 recommended the structure is replaced as it is in a poor and deteriorating condition. Since then, plans to carefully remove and reconstruct the bridge have been shared with the local Parish Council.  We anticipate the works will be carried out during the 2025/2026 financial year.

In the meantime, regular inspections are carried out to ensure the bridge remains safe for public use.

Current status - November 2024

A recent inspection of Stone Bridge has raised new concerns with deteriorating bridge beams. Essex Highways will introduce a lane closure on the bridge, managed by temporary traffic lights.

The temporary lights will be installed under an overnight road closure on 8 December 2024.  Local diversions and signs will be in place during this time.

We understand the lane restriction will be unwelcomed by drivers, however this safety measure is necessary until our future bridge replacement works are carried out.  Further details about these works will be shared in the coming months.

In the meantime, we recommend that drivers plan their journeys and allow extra travelling time.

View of the underside of Stone Bridge

Further information

Our intention is to keep the community informed of progress, with the latest information being available on this webpage and shared with the local Parish Council.

Additional information about works in the area can be found on One.Network.