Berechurch Hall Road, Colchester - highway improvements

Works location and photos

View of Berechurch Road from location of proposed toucan crossing
View of proposed bellmouth on Berechurch Hall Road

About the scheme

As part of the planning condition (reference: 202025) granted by Colchester City Council, Persimmons Homes are required to carry out highway works. 

These works include improvement and upgrades to the public highway to facilitate new access to the development and improve sustainable transport.

This includes the installation of a new toucan crossing on Berechurch Hall Road so that pedestrians and cyclists have improved crossing facilities as well as a shared footway/cycleway extended past St. Michael’s Primary School to allow the public to navigate the area more safely.

What is involved

SEH Ipswich Ltd have been contracted by the developer to carry out the following activities:

  • The construction of one priority junction off Berechurch Hall Road to provide access into the site with a three metre wide shared footway/cycleway to connect to the existing footway/cycleway.
  • Upgrade to Essex County Council (ECC) specification the two bus stops in Layer Road immediately south of its roundabout junction with Berechurch Hall Road.
  • The construction of a new toucan crossing in Berechurch Hall Road.
  • Widening the existing northern footway on Berechurch Hall Road including the re-alignment of the carriageway from the Toucan crossing to Camulodunum Way to create a shared footway/cycleway.
  • Widening the existing footway in Camulodunum Way to a 3.65 metres wide footway/cycleway at St. Michael's Primary School & Nursery.
  • Existing tactile paving to be upgraded to current ECC standard at the Camulodunum Way/Berechurch Hall Road junction.

Highway works relating to this scheme will be carried out in a number of phases, with traffic management varied according to activities being carried out to minimise inconvenience to residents, businesses and the travelling public as much as reasonably practical.

How it will affect you

Works are expected to begin in May 2024 continuing to the end of August 2024. The majority of the works will be carried out with the support of temporary traffic lights which will be monitored during peak times. 

In addition, a planned road closure will also be required to enable the work to be carried out safely.  Advance warnings will be in place along with appropriate diversions.

In order to minimise local inconvenience, working hours will be restricted during school term times, with works outside the school taking place during the summer holiday period.  Restrictions will be adjusted as works progress to keep the impact to a minimum.

Dates may be subject to change if the works are impacted by poor weather or if unexpected issues arise. 

Provisional dates

Proposed traffic restrictions 

Phase 1:

13 May to 19 July 2024

Temporary multi-way traffic lights will be required to manage traffic flows on Berechurch Hall Road between the junctions of Camulodunum Way and Hawaii Drive.

  • New Bellmouth access/egress on Berechurch Hall Road.
  • Works to the southern side of the Toucan crossing on Berechurch Hall Road.
  • Associated footway widening and kerbing works.
  • Ducting.
  • Kerb realignment to the northern footway.

Phase 2:

15 July to 19 July 2024

Planned road closure on Berechurch Hall Road.

  • Planing out the carriageway between Camulodunum Way and the new bellmouth access/egress into the Persimmons. development + 50m on the approaching lanes.
  • Resurfacing the above.

Phase 3:

29 July to 30 August 2024

Temporary multi-way traffic lights will be required to manage traffic flows on Camulodunum Way and Berechurch Hall Road.

  • Extending the existing shared footway/cycleway outside of St. Michael’s Primary School.
  • Works to the northern side of the Toucan crossing.
  • Upgrading the existing uncontrolled pedestrian crossing.
  • Pedestrian access through the junction and to premises will be maintained throughout, with vehicular access supported by a gates person who will monitor the closure points.
  • Drivers are recommended to take additional care and to allow extra time when driving through the area, particularly observing signage and diversions in place during road closures.

Passenger Transport

Bus operators will be informed of the work programme so they can consider adjustments to their services if appropriate.

Further information

Please note that the programme may be subject to change as the works progress.  Please always check site signage for the latest information.

Persimmon Homes are responsible for communicating their own work, and works of their appointed contractor, however we will also share details on this webpage as updates are received.

Contact details

If you have questions relating to this scheme, please contact SEH Ipswich Ltd, who are contracted by Persimmons Homes, using the contact details below:

  • SEH Contracts Manager, tel: 07831595543
  • SEH Site Manager, tel: 07831595541