About the scheme
Luxborough Way Bridge (ECC No. 2081), also known locally as Luxborough Lane Bridge, is a footbridge located near the end of Luxborough Lane in Chigwell, bridging the River Roding to Buckhurst Hill.
Essex Highways placed the bridge under an emergency closure in January 2020 after significant defects were identified to critical components resulting in the bridge being no longer safe for public use. The bridge supports a number of very high voltage electricity cables which could cause serious harm through injury and considerable disruption to supply if they were damaged.
Measures were taken to limit further deterioration of the structure. A framework was assembled across the bridge with temporary fencing also installed to prevent access by the public.
A temporary bridge adjacent to the current structure was installed for use by pedestrians, dismounted cyclists and riders with unmounted horses.
What is involved and how it may effect you
Arrangements are being made to construct a new footbridge over the River Roding, adjacent to the west of Luxborough Lane.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the works have been delayed until further notice due to oustanding third party approvals. Revised dates will be informed once we receive confirmation of the start date.
Please be reassured that when the work begins, effort will be made to keep the existing temporary footbridge in use for as long as possible. During construction there may be occasions when access is temporarily delayed or unavailable, however we will endeavour to schedule these when it is likely to cause minimal disruption.
These works will be carried out with the support of a full 24-hour bridleway closure with a diversion in place as there will be no access over the River Roding, or onto Bridleway 67 until works are complete.
Access to Luxborough Lakes will be maintained throughout the duration of the works.
Further information
Please be aware that our work programme may be subject to change if the works are affected by poor weather or if unexpected issues arise.
The latest information will be reflected on site signage with updates also reflected on this webpage.
For details about other roadworks in the area, please visit One.network or the @essexhighways twitter feed and Facebook page.