B1022 Maldon Road Widening (Colchester Zoo Access)


Works Location

Plans and Photos 

Current Scheme Design (General Arrangement Drawing)

B1022 Maldon Road - Eastbound (After Zoo Entrance)

B1022 Maldon Road - Eastbound (Before Zoo Entrance)

B1022 Maldon Road - Westbound (Before Zoo Entrance)

About the scheme

The public entrance to Colchester Zoo is located on Elephant Way, a side road on the south side of B1022 Maldon Road. The main flow of traffic visiting the Zoo travels along the B1022 Maldon Road in an eastbound direction from Warren Lane as it is part of the signed route from the A12. The waiting area for the right turn into Elephant Way is approximately one-metre-wide, so any vehicles using this facility block the main road and as a result can cause long queues (especially during peak visitor periods to the zoo) which can cause frustration for network users.

The scheme aims to reduce congestion on the Essex network which is caused by vehicles who are waiting to turn right into Colchester Zoo from the B1022 Maldon Road.  In order to achieve this carriageway widening works on the south side of the B1022 Maldon Road will be undertaken which will allow sufficient width for a dedicated right turn lane to be installed.

Additional works on the B1022 Maldon Road will be undertaken to move the affected bus stop outside the zoo entrance to a more suitable location and to upgrade the existing carriageway surface.

The works are currently planned to commence on the 21st January 2019 until an estimated completion date of 7th April 2019. Please note that advertised dates may be subject to change for example if affected by poor weather or if unexpected issues arise.

The use of "Stop and Go" boards for the safety of the travelling public and operatives working on site will be required for the majority of the works. In the final week of the works we will require a full closure of the B1022 Maldon Road each night (Between the hours of 20:00-05:00) to allow carraigeway resurfacing and road marking works to be carried out safely. Full access will be maintained for local residents, for all other access to B1022 Maldon Road, a suitable signed diversion route will be provided.


Further Information

For details about other roadworks in the area please visit: www.roadworks.org
