A134 Northern Approach Road / Boxted Road / Mill Road, Colchester
(Former Severalls Hospital Housing Development)

Update - 3 August 2017:  

Northern Approach Road - Night works 

Preparations are being made for overnight works to be undertaken over a period of 3 nights, between the hours of 7.00pm and 7.00am to support carriageway planing and surfacing works:

  • Monday 14 August 2017
  • Wednesday 16 August 2017
  • Thursday 17 August 2017

No full road closures will be required, however temporary lane restrictions will be in place with appropriate traffic management.  Pedestrian access will be maintained.

Traffic islands construction near the priority junction into the housing development site will be continue undertaken during normal hours.  

Footway widening works to provide a shared footway/cycleway facility are nearing completion.

About the scheme:

Planning permission was granted by Colchester Borough Council for the development of new housing on the former Severalls Hospital Site, Colchester.  As a S106 planning condition for the new housing, the developer is required to carry out highway infrastructure works.

These improvement works are being delivered by A D Bly Construction Ltd on behalf of a Consortium of Developers which includes Taylor Wimpey, Bellway Homes and Bloor Homes. 

Works include:

  •  A new priority junction with right turn lane into the housing development off the Northern Approach (A143) (Bloor Homes Development).
  • Widening of the existing 2 metre footway on the north and south side of the Northern Approach Road (A134) to a 3 metre wide footway/cycleway.
  • The provision of a toucan crossing on the Northern Approach Road (A134) to the east of its junction with Boxted Road. 
  • A new junction at the former Severalls Hospital entrance in Boxted Road.
  • Changes to existing junction off Mill Road that serves the existing NHS Therapy Centre. 


The Severalls Development includes for the provision of several new cycle/pedestrian routes and the provision of a toucan crossing to provide a safer crossing facility that will further link the new development with the adjacent North Colchester Urban Extension (Chesterwell Development) to the west as well as further proposed cycle links along Boxted Road to the Colchester Community Stadium and the Colchester Park and Ride.

When will the works take place?

Works began in April 2017 on the southern side of the Northern Approach Road to widen the current footway to shared footway/cycleway facility.

Works are targeted for completion by the end of Summer 2017 however dates may be subject to suitable weather conditions or unexpected issues.

Traffic Management:

It is recognised that this is a traffic sensitive site and it is inevitable that construction work and traffic management will impact upon traffic flows on such a busy route and may cause delays. There will be temporary traffic signals and signs will be erected to help local residents and businesses while the work is being carried out. There will also be temporary footway restrictions to support safe working.

There are currently no planned road closures or overnight working. 

The developer/contractor will provide the necessary notifications to any affected local residents, businesses and interested parties in advance of the works including the on site signage.


 Northern Approach Road (before works)  Boxted Road (before works) Mill Road (before works) 



