
Ongar High Street improvements – adjustment to traffic management

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Latest details on traffic management required for phase three of works

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A128 High Street/Coopers Hill, Ongar - carriageway & footway improvements


Works Location




About the scheme

Essex Highways are carrying out essential carriageway improvements and footway repairs to Ongar High Street and Coopers Hill.  This work will take place just south of the Green Walk junction on Coopers Hill to Love Lane.

Essex Highways and Ongar Town Council have been working closely to agree options available to improve the road surface and to identify additional works that can be carried out as part of the scheme.  The work is designed to improve standards of the carriageway, creating a smoother ride for vehicles and extending the life of the highway network.

Much of the High Street is currently finished with tarmac however blockwork has been used along the edges of the carriageway, in a number of parking bays and in areas to identify informal crossing places and road junctions.

The intention is to retain a blockwork finish in parking bays that are unaffected by these works and along the edge of the carriageway being reconstructed. Tarmac is the preferred finish at the existing informal and formal pedestrian crossing points, with a high friction surface being replaced on approaches to the formal pedestrian crossing.


What is involved and how this may it affect you

Work will involve reconstructing and surfacing large sections of the carriageway as well as carrying out additional works agreed with the Town Council.

Due to the complex nature of works and potential impact on the highway network, the scheme will be carried out in phases. Some initial day time works are planned with the support of temporary traffic lights, while later on in the programme overnight road closures will be required.  

There will be occasions when a temporary road surface will be in place.  Drivers are advised to pay particular attention to signage in place and to allow extra travelling time for journeys in the area. 

Works began Monday 23 March 2020 however but was postponed shortly after due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.  Works restarted 12 May 2020.

We will continue to monitor and follow government advice relating to the virus to ensure the safety of the public and the workforce is maintained. 

Some of our plans may be subject to change at short notice if unexpected issues arise as we continue to fight this health emergency.   Our works programme is also dependent on suitable weather conditions.  Please be assured our intention is to complete the works as efficiently and safely as possible, minimising local inconvenience where possible.

Below is our current phasing approach for these works:


Proposed carriageway restrictions:  
Proposed Phasing   Area affected - High Street Works and proposed traffic restrictions 

Phase 1: Completed

From outside property No. 30 to No. 301 Footway and kerb repairs supported by temporary traffic lights 

Phase 2: Completion due 12 June

From Castle Street to Bansons Lane  Carriageway reconstruction (block areas). Full road closure (no through traffic permitted). Some accesses restricted

Phase 3: Week commencing Monday 3 August

From outside no. 161 High Street to the junction of Love Lane  Carriageway resurfacing required for two nights - full road closure (no through traffic).  Access restrictions to High Street required for tarmac and white lining operations. 

The rest of the work will be carried out during the day under two-way temporary traffic signals

We will continue working with local emergency services and bus operators to keep them informed of our plans.

A formal diversion (suitable to all vehicles) will be signposted during road closures however other local alternative routes may be available.

Pedestrian access will be maintained throughout the works. 


Vehicle access to properties

Properties will be accessible from either side of a closed section of Ongar High Street.  Diversions will be advertised which accommodate all vehicle types, however other local alternatives may be available.  The High Street will not be accessible to through traffic during road closures.

Vehicular access to residential and business properties will be maintained during the majority of the works, however there will be periods overnight when access will be restricted due to work taking place at property frontages, and during resurfacing operations when no access will be permitted. These restrictions are necessary to protect the public and the workforce.  

Further details will be made available in the coming weeks. 


Passenger transport

Bus operators have been informed about the works so that adjustments can be made to their services.  Please check with the operator for their latest travel information.  


Parking bays

During the works it may be necessary to temporarily suspend some parking bays on the High Street to ensure that sections of road and footways are accessible during the construction period.  


Further information

Residents and businesses are being contacted directly about these works and are encouraged to check this webpage for further updates as the scheme progresses.

Updates, traffic management and access information will be reflected on local signage and this webpage as information becomes available.

You may also wish to follow @essexhighways or view one.network for information about other works in the area.

Please be aware that the work programme may be subject to change if for example if affected by poor weather, if other unexpected issues, including Covid-19 associated changes.
