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Work on the delivery of Phase 1 of the new A1331 is progressing well, and the project recently reached some important milestones. Essex County Council has now completed the acquisition of all land required for the construction of Phase 1 of the A1331 and as such, the council withdrew Compulsory Purchase Orders on April 11 2024.
On Tuesday 16th April, the Department for Transport held a Public Land Inquiry in Colchester to consider the Side Roads Order (SRO) for Phase 1 of the A1331. This public inquiry closed on the same day.
Elsewhere Octavius, the contractor appointed to undertake detailed design work on Phase 1 of the A1331, is continuing to make good progress on a series of ongoing surveys and site investigations. The current programme remains on track to begin construction of Phase 1 this summer, with completion in Spring 2026.
Delivered with Homes England Housing Infrastructure Fund, Phase 1 of the A1331 and the Rapid Transit System for Colchester, currently under construction, will provide important supporting infrastructure for the future Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community, as well as new sustainable travel options for local residents.
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