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Essex County Council and Braintree District Council have worked together to plan the installation of several social distancing signs while High St and nearby improvement works are carried out by Braintree Council. Barriers such as have been used in other town centres in Essex are not appropriate in Braintree due to the continuing pedestrianisation improvement works. The measures are paid for by Government as part of national work to re-open town centres safely.
Called ‘Safer, Greener, Healthier’, these schemes aim to provide bigger, safer spaces for city centre shoppers, residents, workers and visitors to maintain social distance. Measures will be installed in Braintree from Wednesday 24th June and will be constantly reviewed and altered if required.
The measures in Braintree, like others planned across Essex, are driven by immediate public health requirements such as social distancing, and in encouraging walking and cycling will enable healthier and greener ways of getting around. Data on streets in UK and elsewhere where the pedestrian experience has been improved shows footfall increasing 20-35 per cent, with sales increases following.
Dr Mike Gogarty, Director of Public Health, Essex County Council explains:
“Providing space for the public to practice safe social distancing remains a core part of the measures we need to limit the spread of coronavirus. Helping people to social distance in traditionally busy urban areas will help immediate public safety; it will also make it easier as businesses re-open.
“Walking and cycling are healthy activities in their own right, they can help to lessen traffic congestion and consequently improve air quality, so these new measures are very supportive of societal demand.
The total money that could be made available to Essex by the Government if further plans are approved is up to £9.6m.
Why not log your cycle ride on some of the enhanced routes for National Bike Month and let others in Essex know what you’re doing too at www.lovetoride.net/essex
People can share comments on the measures with Essex and Braintree councils at SGH.Routes@essex.gov.uk
Please see the full map and scheme details on our website at: www.essex.gov.uk/safer-greener-healthier
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