6 November 2024 Press Release

Bus gate enforcement strengthens in Clacton with improved safety for pedestrians

Enforcement ramps up following a number of near misses at a pedestrian crossing.

Pedestrians in Clacton will have extra protection as drivers going through the Pier Avenue bus gate will start receiving fines.

Essex Highways and Essex Police are strengthening enforcement of the bus gate due to a number of near-miss incidents at the pedestrian crossing down the road.

Automatic cameras will be operational on Pier Avenue from Friday 8 November to monitor bus gate usage and encourage proper traffic flow to keep pedestrians safe.

Signs and road markings have been updated on the approach to and at both ends of the bus gate to ensure drivers are aware of the change.

The Pier Avenue bus gate has been in place since 2007 and enforced by Essex Police, which requested further enforcement due to the number of vehicles contravening restrictions.

The automatic cameras managed by Essex Highways will not only improve bus journey times and sustainable travel but reduce the number of incidents at the pedestrian crossing.

Councillor Tom Cunningham, Cabinet Member for Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport, said: “Bus gates are crucial to enhancing road safety and making sure sustainable transport is unhindered.

“Drivers are encouraged to check the updated signage to avoid passing through the bus gate. Alternative routes are available, so there is no reason to use this one.

“By putting pedestrian safety and public transport at the heart of this decision, travelling in Clacton will become safer, greener and healthier as a result, with improved traffic in the area.”

Any money received from bus gate fines are used to improve public transport and maintain the road network.

More information about bus gates in Essex, including the locations of all camera-enforced bus gates, can be found at www.essexhighways.org/bus-lane-enforcement.

The bus gate on Pier Avenue in Clacton with new automatic cameras