Welcome to the Highways Service Information Centre
The public are being encouraged to have their say on big plans to help improve the health and wellbeing of people who live and work in the historic town of Colchester, by getting more cars off the road and encouraging sustainable methods of travel.
A new transport strategy has been created for the borough in response to the need to reduce congestion and rethink the way we travel.
Residents, employees and visitors are being urged to complete a survey and tell Essex County Council about the transport challenges they face and their everyday travel experiences in order to shape future plans.
The Colchester Future Transport Strategy sets out a bold vision, with a need to focus on health and wellbeing, reduce car use in the town centre, improve air quality and increase sustainable travel.
There are a number of congestion points in and around the town, with more than 60 per cent of people who both live and work within the borough travelling by car. Of these journeys, 40 per cent are 5km or less and 20 per cent are 2km or less.
And while two-thirds of people live and work in the Colchester area, sustainable transport such as buses, trains and cycling only accounts for around 30 per cent of journeys to work.
The Colchester Future Transport Strategy sets out the current transport issues and opportunities, as well as future plans and, once agreed, will help to identify potential schemes, ranging from small-scale improvements and interventions through to larger-scale strategic projects.
It will look to limit traffic levels in the town centre, reduce delays, improve journey times and reliability and ensure the transport network is maintained well, transforming it into a place which prioritises active and safe, sustainable travel to bring about health, environmental and economic benefits.
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