9 October 2024 Press Release

Essex braces for wetter weather with over 24,000 drains cleared

Highways crews are working hard to keep roads safe and reduce flooding as autumn brings heavy rain.

More than 24,000 drains have been cleared across Essex as highways crews prepare for heavy rain this autumn and winter.

Drains are cleared all year round to ensure every part of the county is addressed, with more clearance carried out in the summer before the wet and windy weather arrives.

Essex Highways cleared a total of 24,633 drains this summer alongside normal road repairs and resurfacing, helping the road network withstand harsh conditions.

Landowners are also being asked to cut back their vegetation in the autumn to prevent it overgrowing onto roads and pavements.

This includes trimming overhanging trees to avoid damage and disruption during storms, while ditches on private land near roads can be cleared to prevent flooding.

Essex Highways encourages residents to report any blocked drains or flooding concerns using the online Tell Us tool.

The Tell Us tool helps inspectors address issues quickly and prevent potential hazards from worsening.

Residents are also encouraged to check whether their homes are at risk of flooding. If eligible, they can apply for the Property Flood Resilience (PFR) grant.

The PFR grant offers up to £8,000 for flood protection measures like self-closing air bricks, reinforced flood doors, non-return valves, pumps and flood barriers.

Essex homeowners can check their property’s flood risk online to see if they are able to apply for the PFR grant. This may include residents living in critical drainage areas.

Councillor Tom Cunningham, Cabinet Member for Highways, Infrastructure, and Sustainable Transport at Essex County Council said: “While the beauty of autumn is undeniable, it brings weather which can severely impact our road network and residents living in areas at risk of flooding.

“Essex Highways is working tirelessly to ensure our roads and drainage systems are ready for whatever the season brings.

“Our crews are already out in force to keep Essex moving by addressing issues before they can escalate into serious problems, directly contributing to creating a safer, greener and healthier Essex for all.”

Gully cleansing is being carried out by Essex Highways crews across the county