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New electric hoists used in road maintenance operations save fuel and further reduce carbon emissions.
Essex Highways became the first Highways service to deploy electric-powered hoists in their new Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWPs).
The hoists were first used in operations on Wednesday 3 August.
The first pair of six new MEWPs arrived in July, with another two arriving earlier this month and the final pair in September.
Each MEWP features a Versalift electric hoist, which generates a number of operational benefits. Although fuel prices are unpredictable at the moment, as a rough guide it has been calculated that each vehicle should save in the region of £6k worth of fuel cost savings per year. There is also less wear and tear on the engine which means less maintenance will be required over the life of the vehicle.
The switch to using electric hoists also has other significant benefits in terms of carbon savings too - each new MEWP will make a daily carbon saving of 4.01Kg, a monthly carbon reduction of over 80kg and an annual carbon saving of 960Kg.
This is another example of how the service is working to become Safer, Greener and Healthier. By obtaining as many efficiencies as possible, it means good value to the residents of Essex can also be provided.
Councillor Lee Scott, Essex County Council Cabinet Member for Highways Maintenance and Sustainable Transport, said: “I am thrilled that we are the first Highways service in the UK to use these MEWPs as they represent the safer, greener and healthier changes we are persistently looking to implement in Essex. I feel it crucial that we, with the help of our supply chain partners, commit to introducing as much innovation to the service as possible to allow for us to add value, make cost savings and work towards reducing the negative impact on the environment.”
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