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Free cycle training available for all who wish to take up or return to cycling
Whether you’re an absolute beginner or just want to boost your confidence on the road, Essex County Council is offering free adult cycling training across the county up until the end of March 2022.
Working in partnership with the Safer Essex Roads Partnership (SERP), the training is delivered by qualified cycling instructors. The beginners’ course comprises four 45-minute sessions and the confidence-boosting and advanced training comprises one two-hour session.
Cycling offers an excellent low carbon transport solution as well as being a great form of exercise, improving both physical and mental health.
These courses are designed to help adults who may not have cycled before or have not cycled for some time and will take in techniques to help unsure riders stay safe while cycling on Essex roads.
Cllr Lee Scott, Essex County Council Cabinet Member for Highways Maintenance and Sustainable Transport, said: “Here at ECC, we’re working on a number of safer, greener, healthier initiatives to encourage residents to get cycling, especially for shorter journeys.
“Whether you’re travelling to work, school or the shops, our message is to get on your bike! And our training will help you do just that.”
“The health benefits of cycling are well-documented. But if every car owner in Essex did just one less one-mile journey by car, that alone would save 13,000 tonnes of CO2 a year.”
Sign up online
or email SaferEssexRoads@essexhighways.org for more details.
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