1 November 2024 Latest News

Finchingfield Bridge - latest information

Independent assessors have previously confirmed that some of the oldest parts of Finchingfield Bridge are in a weak condition. Essex Highways had therefore put a plan together to rebuild the bridge with a similar, slightly wider one to better protect the bridge parapet, and a stronger one to ensure future capacity needs would be met. This would have been a long-term solution. A planning application was submitted in December 2022 to reflect this plan, however due to local concerns and objections we have not been able to proceed with this option.

Action therefore is still required to improve the current situation, and so we are now investigating an alternative option to strengthen the bridge as a medium-term solution. As a result, the planning application to rebuild the bridge has been withdrawn.

Once we determine if the strengthening works are feasible, we will share more information. At this stage, we would not expect strengthening to negatively impact the bridge’s appearance as most of the work could be done underneath the structure. In the meantime, we are continuing to monitor the bridge to ensure it remains safe for use.

Separately, the Local Highway Panel are considering introducing an Environmental Weight Restriction of 7.5 tonnes for the area.