New cycleway on Head Street still expected to open this month despite gas leak
Segregated cycle lanes will help improve travel choices in Colchester city centre and encourage safer, greener and healthier travel.
A new city centre cycleway in Colchester remains on track to open by the end of the month, but a gas leak could delay full completion of the scheme.
The new two-way segregated cycleway on Head Street will allow cyclists and users of TIER e-scooters to travel freely in both directions on Head Street, safely separated from pedestrians and road traffic, and encouraging safer, greener and healthier travel in the city.
Work on the scheme, which is funded through the Government’s Active Travel Fund, was due to be finished by the end of April and the cycleway is still expected to be open by that date.
However, Essex County Council has announced that a gas leak could delay the completion of the final elements of the scheme, including an upgraded crossing at the junction with Culver Street West.
The gas leak was uncovered by workers on site last week and immediately reported to gas emergency service Cadent, who are monitoring the situation and planning to start repair work next week.
An Essex County Council spokesperson said: “As ever, the safety of the public and those working on the scheme is our primary concern. Workers on site acted promptly to report the leak and we have been liaising with Cadent.
“Works were initially stopped while the matter was investigated and Cadent is continuing to monitor the situation but has advised it is safe for the majority of our works to resume.
“On that basis, we expect most of the works to be completed as planned and for the new cycleway to open by the end of the month, including the traffic signals and pedestrian crossings at the Head Street junction with High Street.
“Unfortunately, the gas leak could delay completion of some final elements of the scheme, including the Culver Street West crossing and we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. We will continue to work closely with Cadent and will do everything possible to minimise disruption while their repair work is completed.
“Once finished, the new cycle facility will offer greater choices for travel and make it easier and safer for cyclists of all experience levels to cycle in this part of the city centre.”
A spokesman for Cadent said: “Our emergency engineers attended a report of a gas escape in Head Street, Colchester, on Monday 8 April. We have been monitoring the situation on a daily basis and repair works are being planned to start next week.
“While we are unable to confirm the cause of the gas escape at this time, there are no obvious signs that it was due to the cycle path work being carried out by Essex County Council.”