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A public notice has been published outlining proposed changes to the shared pedestrian and cycle route, footways and controlled crossing facilities on the A132 East Mayne and Christopher Martin Road in Basildon.
The proposals have been developed to reduce public exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emissions and achieve compliance with legal air quality limits in the shortest possible time, as directed by Government.
The public notice and associated documents for the proposed scheme are available on our public notices webpage, while further background to the project is detailed on this page.
If you need to view a hard copy of the public notice documents, please call 07515 999663, quoting the reference number TRAF/7550, to arrange a suitable time to inspect the documents or to request that documents are sent to you by post.
Anyone who wishes to make a representation to the proposed scheme should send the grounds via e-mail to TrafficRegulation.Order@essexhighways.org quoting reference TRAF/7550, by Friday 14 May 2021.
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