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Works on Phase 1 of the new A1331 have now reached a stage where the team need to put in place road closures in order to facilitate the next element of works. The details are as follows.
Lovers Lane - Full Closure
Between 9.30am - 3.30pm, Monday 17th March to Friday 21st March
During this closure we will be carrying out widening works to allow passing places prior to the full closure of Tye Road. The Diversion plan for this closure can be found at the bottom of this page.
Tye Road - Full Closure
From 31st March until the completion and opening of the A1331 Phase 1
During this closure we will be constructing the main body of works for the Phase 1 of the A1331. This closure will remain in place until the completion and opening of the A1331 Phase 1. The diversion plan for this closure can also be found at the bottom of this page.
A133 Overnight Full Closure
Between 8pm until 5am, nightly from 1st April to 17th April
During this closure, we will be carrying out works for the new roundabout on the A133 and realignment on the approaches. The closures will be predominantly eastbound with westbound closures on 13th-14th April.
We will work with residents/businesses located within the works areas to ensure access is maintained, however some minor delays may be experiences whilst key activities are in progress
For any construction/ contractor related enquiries please email LinkRoad@octavius.co.uk or call 01737 944726. For any wider scheme enquiries please email A1331@essexhighways.org.
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