Welcome to the Highways Service Information Centre
How many people dying on the roads in Essex every year do you think is acceptable? …….. 5? 20? 42? (42 is the actual number of people that died on our roads last year). What if some of them were your family, your friends, neighbours, colleagues? When you think of it like this, isn’t one person killed one too many? Human beings make mistakes, but is it right that, sometimes, even a small mistake means that someone will not be going home?
Today, the Safer Essex Roads Partnership (SERP) is launching Vision Zero. Vision Zero is our ambition to have ZERO road deaths and serious injuries on roads in the Essex, Southend and Thurrock council areas by 2040.
We are looking forward to working with anyone and everyone who shares our vision of zero deaths and serious injuries on Essex roads. If you’d like to know more or want to contribute please contact us at saferessexroads
We all recognise the enormity of this challenge. To get to zero by 2040, we need to halve the current number of deaths and serious injuries by 2030 which we know will involve many changes and will require the commitment of all communities and organisations, as well as each individual road user.
We feel that the passion behind Vision Zero is captured by the impact of this film from The Transport Accident Commission Victoria (Australia)
We hope you will find it as inspiring as we did.
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