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With temperatures forecast to plummet to minus 10 degrees tonight drivers are being warned by Essex Highways to take extra care as the extreme freeze means road salt could become less effective.
The minimum road surface temperature in Essex is expected to reach minus ten (-10) tonight, possibly lower.
The salt which many highway authorities around the country spreads on roads starts to become less effective below minus seven (-7) degrees.
An Essex Highways spokesperson said: “We are warning drivers to go out tonight between 8pm and 8am only if it is absolutely vital.
“There may be patches of ice and freezing snow which, due to the extreme conditions, have not been melted by the salt.
“Essex Highways is still gritting roads, all trucks are scheduled to carry out a gritting run at 2pm, 7pm and 2am as salt still does have some effect on the patches of ice and snow, but it is a slower effect at these extreme temperatures.”
“Since Saturday Essex Highways’ gritting operation has been a big success, spreading 3,500 tonnes of salt on Essex roads. Priority roads have been kept clear and all 60 of our trucks have been out around the clock for each and every scheduled gritting run.
“It has been a sterling team effort by our gritter truck drivers.”
“Warmer temperatures are predicted for next week, but we want all drivers in Essex to be safe and aware of the special circumstances predicted for tonight.”
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