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The area around Junction 8 of the M11 suffered from increasing congestion and lacked capacity at peak times. Planned developments in the north of Bishop’s Stortford and local growth planned in East Herts and Uttlesford mean an increasing amount of traffic will be using the junctions in the years ahead as London Stansted Airport continues to grow and this needed to be considered.
From 2015, we began investigating improvements to the A120 and slip road access to Junction 8 of the M11. Our studies showed that the best short- to medium-term solution would be to improve off-slip lane capacity onto Junction 8 of the M11 with a widened A120 signalised junction, to help meet future network demand.
Following a successful bid in 2017 for the Department for Transport’s National Productivity Investment Fund, we moved forward with our plans to improve Junction 8 of the M11 and A120 West.
Now complete, the scheme has:
John Sisk & Son was appointed as contractor for the scheme in late 2021 with the main works getting underway in early 2022. The works completed in July 2024.
If you have questions about the scheme, please contact Essex County Council at m11J8@essexhighways.org.
Milestones for project completion - PDF(306.7KB)
M11 J8 Improvement Scheme Final Plan - PDF(3.0MB)
M11 Junction 8 Improvement Scheme proposal map - PDF(3.0MB)
M11 J8 A120 General Layout - PDF(163.6KB)
M11 Junction 8 Project Update - 17.10.22 - PDF(0.6MB)
M11 Junction 8 Project Update - 14.02.23 - PDF(1.1MB)
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