Warren Lane/Maldon Road junction improvement scheme


The Warren Lane/Maldon Road junction is located near Heckfordbridge, southwest of Colchester. Connecting the B1022 Maldon Road to Warren Lane, the busy junction is vital for linking Stanway, Colchester Zoo, local residential areas, and the nearby quarry site.

However, its current layout presents challenges for traffic flow and safety. There are also issues with accessibility, with a lack of infrastructure for pedestrians and people looking to cycle.

Warren Lane junction with Maldon Road

The current situation

The junction's current layout is a priority T-junction. As traffic has increased in this area,  a number of issues have developed with this layout:

  • Safety concerns
    60% of recorded collisions involve vehicles turning right from the B1022 Maldon Road onto Warren Lane
  • Congestion
    Poor geometry and junction layout lead to delays, especially during peak times.
  • Lack of pedestrian and cyclist provisions
    Informal and limited walking and cycling infrastructure discourages active travel.

Scheme objectives

In developing a revised layout for the junction we aim to:

  • Reduce collisions and improve junction navigation for all road users.
  • Address current and future traffic demands.
  • Introduce walking and cycling friendly features to encourage active travel.
  • Ensure the design aligns with the rural setting while considering emissions and local biodiversity.

Preferred solution

Following extensive studies, we considered both a roundabout and a junction solution. The installation of a new roundabout was identified as the best solution. This would be a major infrastructure scheme, requiring significant construction work and involve utility diversions, however it offers the best solution in terms of safety, cost efficiency, and traffic management compared to the alternative of a more complex signalised junction.

Initial design

Early design work has been undertaken on a roundabout option and this would see: 

  • A single-lane approach from Warren Lane and two-lane flared approaches from both arms of B1022 Maldon Road.
  • 3m-wide shared pedestrian and cyclist paths with designated crossing points.
  • Designated uncontrolled pedestrian crossings at traffic islands for safe movement across Warren Lane and Maldon Road.
  • The introduction of drainage systems, removal of existing street furniture, and installation of a new large diameter roundabout including signage, lighting, and fencing.
  • Incorporation of landscaping elements to blend with the surrounding environment.

To view our concept proposals in more details subject to further refinements, please click on our scheme drawing and illustrative site drawings below – doing so will open them in a new tab.

Plan showing the proposed arrangement

Next steps

The creation of the new roundabout constitutes a major infrastructure project, which is dependent on significant funding.

Recognising the importance of improvements to the junction, we are working to explore funding opportunities, both in terms of planning conditions from future local development and pursuing future government grant funding.

To achieve this funding, we need to ensure that the scheme in the best possible position, demonstrating the safety and economic benefits. As such we have undertaken initial design development, with the intention of continuing to progress the scheme as further funding opportunities come forward, including consulting with local stakeholders to ensure their inputs are included as the scheme develops.